Building Healthy Communities – Community Development Embedded Social Prescribing
Accredited Training programme
This course suits practitioners who wish to develop a logical and practical framework for implementing social prescribing with an asset based approach in their local community. The 4 day course contains 4 elements; Asset Based Community Development approach, Social Prescribing in action, Peer-to-peer support/Co production and Equality/Inclusion.
Course details
Aimed at NHS Social Prescribing Link Workers and those in the NHS or local practitioners responsible for supporting community led activity. This course suits practitioners who wish to develop a logical and practical framework for implementing social prescribing with an asset based approach in their local community. The 4 day course contains 4 elements; Asset Based Community Development approach, Social Prescribing in action, Peer-to-peer support/Co production and Equality/Inclusion.
In addition complementary coaching, mentoring and facilitated peer-to-peer support is offered.
The 4-day programme will help participants to:
Gain an understanding of effective Asset Based Community Development;
Gain an understanding of What Social Prescribing is, how it is commissioned and learn from Social Prescribing in action
Develop practical tools and strategies to implement Social Prescribing including GDPR, safeguarding monitoring & evaluation, showcasing outcomes, motivational conversations and health coaching
Develop strategies for embedding a community led approach within NHS organisations;
Develop skills in mainstreaming equality and inclusion within all aspects of work;
Develop effective and community produced asset maps
Develop an in-service action plan based on learning
Facilitated peer-to-peer learning